Avala Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Message from the CEO:
To Our Avala Community,
Avala’s priority is always the health and safety of our patients, physicians, staff and community. Avala is keeping in close communication with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to monitor this evolving situation of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
As of March 10, 2020, all Avala patients will be assessed and monitored closely and any necessary screening policies will be adopted based on the CDC recommendations.
At Avala we want you to feel confident that we are doing everything possible to protect our community’s health and safety.
Scott Boudreaux
Avala CEO
Avala Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
All Avala patients, pre-operative and day of surgery, will be questioned on recent travel outside of the United States (e.g. Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, Italy, and Iran).
High Risk:
Living in same household as, being an intimate partner of, or providing care in a non-healthcare setting for a person exhibiting symptoms of confirmed COVID-19 infection while NOT using recommended precautions.
Medium Risk:
On an aircraft seated within 6 feet of a traveler exhibiting symptoms of confirmed COVID-19 infection
Living in same household, being an intimate partner of, or care in a non-healthcare setting to a person with symptoms of a laboratory confirmed COVID-19 infection while consistently using recommended precautions.
Low Risk:
Being in the same indoor environment as a person with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 infection for a prolonged period of time, but not meeting the definition of close contact.
Avala will continue monitoring the situation on CDC’s Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) webpage www.cdc.gov/COVID19 and adopt any necessary procedures as recommended by the CDC.