General Surgery
AVALA’s general physicians maintain the responsibility for the preoperative, operative, and postoperative management of our patients who fall under a broad spectrum or care for surgeries.
Our general physicians are highly trained in anatomy, physiology, epidemiology, immunology and pathology. Overseeing patient conditions that affect the alimentary tract, breast, endocrine system, abdomen (and its contents), skin and soft tissues.
We also offer the latest in laparoscopic general surgery for those patients not able to undergo traditional surgeries.

Preventative and Diagnostic testing of the GI tract is an important part of the patient’s overall health. AVALA is proud to offer a first-class space for our patients needing this kind of testing. The common procedures performed at AVALA are simple, outpatient endoscope procedures to help screen for and diagnose illnesses within the GI tract.
colon & rectal services
AVALA is proud to offer first-class experiences to patients needing preventative and corrective colorectal procedures. This includes our state of the art technology, our minimally invasive methods, and laparoscopic procedures.
Colon and Rectal specialists operating at AVALA are highly trained in all treatments of the lower gastrointestinal tract. This includes care for your colon, rectum and anus.

Bariatric & Minimally Invasive Weight Loss Surgery
Bariatric surgery has continued to lead the way for a complete resolution of multiple medical conditions associated with obesity. The common procedures performed at AVALA Hospital are a simple one to two hour procedure that can result in the resolution of many common medical problems, as well as lead to wonderful weight loss improvements.
The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) recognizes several procedures as appropriate remedies in the treatment of clinically significant obesity including the LAP-BAND® System which limits caloric intake, Duodenal Switch surgery allowing the body to not absorb ingested calories, and Gastric Bypass surgery, a hybrid procedure that includes both restrictive and malabsorptive components.